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GuideNotes™ SongSolving Tools:
Yoga & Mindfulness

Below are all songs tagged with Yoga & Mindfulness.

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All songs are copyright ©Kathryn Para 2007-2023. All rights reserved. 

Three Little Bunnies Ready For Bed
This little song is a favorite of Frolic the Fox's friends. A counting and math song, where three bunnies are ready for bed but they want to jump in stead. Can use with other actions like spin, wiggle, shake, etc. We start with three bunnies ready for bed and count down while the bunnies on the bed go up to three.
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Throw Me Your Eyes
The silliest song to gain attention of a group. Includes movements that can be little or bigger and opportunity for the silliest voices. Leader can sing and wait for group to all throw their eyes so that they can catch them, then lend their ears so they can borrow them. Get as silly as you want!
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Ticky Check
The silliest song to gain attention of a group. Includes movements that can be little or bigger and opportunity for the silliest voices. Leader can sing and wait for group to all throw their eyes so that they can catch them, then lend their ears so they can borrow them. Get as silly as you want!
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Time to go Potty!
A simple ditty for potty time that changes the game. We focus on resetting before doing an activity so we don't have to pause something wonderful.
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Turtles Go Slow
Let's Go Slow
A song to cue kiddos to go slower. Best if introduced before requesting slow feet. Pair with ASL for turtle. Introduce with turtle book or story and practice being turtles. Made to pair with other animals for contrast, like….you guessed it! Bunnies!
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Let's Go Slow
A Rainy Day Song
A simple song for using umbrellas. Use big and little movements to show putting umbrellas up and down. Pair with "Splish, Splash", "Stormwater" or other water songs.
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A Rainy Day Song
Verb to the Noun
An EverSong, or Multi-tool song, this song carries the main cue that we will move our body in a certain way , to a certain place. For example, "Hop to the line," "Tip-toe in the hall", etc. This song has also been modified to carry the same meaning, but with the idea that we place a body part on a thing, such as "hands to the bricks" when going outside and waiting for the group to gather. This is also a CodeVerb™ song, meaning that we can insert the group topic or interest as well as the intrinsic motivation of a child. CodeVerb is a concept I developed to help motivate some family members who have particular interests, especially my autistic child. This concept tends to come to mean a lot to folks who care for children who have particularly strong interests that are the key to motivating them. Using CodeVerbs in song, play, story and nature, can both motivate the child and provide an avenue for group participation while not "calling the child out" with their interest. It is a welcoming way to invite some children who may be less likely to engage into a group activity.
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Where's Red
Car Seat Song
A little bitty ditty so sing when getting into the car seat. Sing "Where's Red?" before clicking up, then the "There's Red" part after clicking up,. It helps to have a little routine when getting into the car seat. Interactions with a kiddo are a sweet moment and having a little routine can help to settle them, help them feel like they know what is going to happen, and help avoid car seat confrontations. This song can easily pair with the "One, Two, I'm going to buckle you" song I'll also share here as well as the "To get family car to go" ditty. Pair with ASL sign for "where" to help solidify the idea that we are looking for something. To add connection and special moment, use the as both a peek-a-boo game right after finding red with "Where's mommy" or "Where's teacher" or to find body parts, shoes, and other items in the car. This little game is great for growing language.
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Car Seat Song
Whoosh Went the Wind
A song about wind blowing and something falling from a tree as a result. The trees change through the seasons, and we a talk about what is falling for each season. I like to use this song for seasonal celebrations, especially when a theme or book features a tree.
A song about wind blowing and something falling from a tree as a result. The trees change through the seasons, and we a talk about what is falling for each season. I like to use this song for seasonal celebrations, especially when a theme or book features a tree.
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A song about wind blowing and something falling from a tree as a result. The trees change through the seasons, and we a talk about what is falling for each season. I like to use this song for seasonal celebrations, especially when a theme or book features a tree.
Winter's Song
It's Wintertime
A song celebrating the winter season, highlighting the science part- shorter days, earth tilting, change, etc.
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It's Wintertime
You-est you
A little ditty about being our own selves
Coming Soon!
A sticker image of Singer-songwriter Kathryn Para Kathryn Para dressed as Frolic the Fox, standing with one leg up and holding a dark brown ukulele. She is looking up to her right side dreamily.
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