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GuideNotes™ SongSolving Tools:
Social Emotional Songs

Social Emotional Learning is defined by CASEL as having four competencies:

  • Self Awareness

  • Self Management

  • Social Awareness

  • Relationship Skills

  • Responsible Decision Making

Soon, I'll include a few additional categories here. These are not yet all tagged!

  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

  • Feelings

  • Yoga, Movement and Mindfulness (often used for self management)

  • CodeVerb

Below are all songs tagged as Social Emotional Songs. Explore alphabetically by paging through or narrow selection by clicking the SEL category.

To refine your search toggling the tags below. 

Find an Acorn on the Ground

Tall Oak Tree

A social -emotional song written for when children are leaving a group. Leave-taking. Great to sing when a group is leaving your classroom or a space. Perhaps sing or play during funal clean-up time before departure.
Coming soon!
Tall Oak Tree

Find your place

A song to prepare children to pick up when they are done with their activity. Encouraging them to find a place to work or play and to be a helper elf when they are finished. Opportunity to grow executive function by giving a list of actions for helper elves. Pair with helper elf visual card. Coming soon.
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Flexi-Wexi Day

Things are happening in a different way!

A song written for a camp day that went awry with weather and other happenings. About being flexible and that sometime intentions go out the window. Includes a "zipper part" of the song that allows you to to name other types of days, including happy-dappy, Snowy-woaey, etc. Opportunity for breathing and big body movement at the end. When introducing this song, Frolic the Fox talks about all the plans going "Flopsy Wopsy". There is movement in this song. Please see attached video!
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Things are happening in a different way!

Flutter, Flutter Butterfly

A song written for a camp day that went awry with weather and other happenings. About being flexible and that sometime intentions go out the window. includes zipper part to name other types of days, including happy-dappy, Snowy-woaey, etc. Opportunity for breathing and big body movement at the end.
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Friends, Together Friends!

A song about being friends that includes social-emotional concepts like feelings, lifting each other, holding space and community
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Frolic Every Day

I Love to Frolic Every Day!

Simple ditty about loving to Frolic Every Day
Coming Soon!
I Love to Frolic Every Day!

Gather & Get Ready

A ditty to help kiddso gather near the door to get outside. Pair with "Bundle Up Now", "Bundle Down Now". Ends with recognizing children who are ready and waiting. Allows for executive funtioning moment naming what ready looks like.
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Gentle Touch

A ditty to cue children to use a gentle touch. Use to set expectations when entering a space of time with friends or to show how to be gentle with friends, animals, things, etc. model gentle touch on back of hand and ASL "Gentle" Pair with "One Finger Gentle Touch"
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Gently, Slowly we Wake to be Together

A ditty written for a family childcare educator who wants to help her children wake up slowly, recognizing that a few kiddos are particularly sensitive with prompted waking. Social emotinal SEL components include weather check, self awareness and regulation
Coming Soon!

Going on an Expedition

A song to sing when starting out on a nature excursion!
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Good Googa Mooga

A little ditty to choose how you want to feel and then move your body or take action to feel better. SEL self awareness, self regulation, movement together, big body movement, input, social scripting
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Good Morning, Sun

A little ditty to sing good morning to the sun. use chorus while opening curtains or performing morning routine. Big body movements, mindfulness, silly opportunity for educator to pretend to sleep, SEL do my best. Science- where we are on earth is facing toward the sun.
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A sticker image of Singer-songwriter Kathryn Para Kathryn Para dressed as Frolic the Fox, standing with one leg up and holding a dark brown ukulele. She is looking up to her right side dreamily.
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